Northern Monk

Since the 7th century AD monks across the whole of Europe have produced and sold beer, life-sustaining, thirst quenching beer. In 1086, the Domesday book records the brewing of almost 70,000 gallons of ale by monks, whilst Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire once brewed 60 barrels of strong ale every 10 days.
A home not just to our beer, but also a destination to support and showcase like-minded brands and creatives who share our vision of craftsmanship, quality and our appreciation of timeless design, transcending the stereotypical view of drinking culture. That’s why we are committed to working with charitable organisations, local businesses and anyone who shares our passion for detail, respect for humanity and its natural resources. We regularly collaborate with breweries and businesses from near and far to help strengthen the North for positive change and to continually diversify our own offering.
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