Tiny Rebel

It all began in a garage back in 2008 where me (Brad) and Gazz homebrewed on weekends. We got pretty good at it and as we are beer geeks at heart we always took things that one step further. In 2010 the idea for Tiny Rebel was born, with the result being our official launch in February 2012.
Only a year after opening, we took the Great Welsh Beer Festival by storm and won Gold (Dirty Stop Out), Silver (FUBAR) and Bronze (Urban IPA) in the Champion Beer of Wales competition.... And only four months after that, we opened Cardiff's first-ever, fully-devoted craft beer bar called Urban Tap House. It's a beer drinkers haven, go check it out. We won Champion Beer of Wales 2014 with FUBAR taking the crown. 2015 saw us open up our second, albeit temporary, bar Urban Pop Up in the heart of Newport before Cwtch, our much-loved Welsh red ale, was declared Champion Beer of Britain at the Great British Beer Festival in August 2015, an achievement we are extremely proud of.
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